His Banner Over Us Is Love

FGBMFI Global Outreach via Airlifts


An airlift is a means that the Fellowship uses to fulfill the Great Commission
"Go into all the earth and make disciples of all nations"

In 1959, President Francois Duvalier of Haiti invited the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International to hold three weeks of meetings in his Caribbean nation. In February of 1960, twenty-five members from the Fellowship boarded a plane for Port au Prince, Haiti, in what Demos Shakarian called the Fellowship's first airlift.

Since that time, hundreds and perhaps even thousands of airlifts have carried Fellowship members all over the world to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to other nations. Thousands of ordinary business people have used their annual vacations to travel to Europe, Africa, Asia, Central and South America, Australia, and the Islands of the Sea. They have gone as witnesses to the life changing affect of their born again, Spirit filled experience and to start Chapters of the Fellowship in over 162 nations of the world. As they traveled half way around the world, ordinary people found that God poured out a 'special anointing' that produced extraordinary miracles as they spoke and prayed for the native people.

Something wonderful happens to a person who is thrust into a strange setting and unfamiliar circumstances. They may feel incapable, but wisdom, anointing, and ability come from the Holy Spirit when a person steps out in faith to tell the good news.

The AIRLIFT is the Fellowship's answer to the GREAT COMMISSION COMMANDMENT to go into all the earth and make disciples of all nations. It has been said that "God is not interested in your ability; He is interested in your availability!! Get a passport, get a suitcase, and get ready."

We are working together with our European Office, to encourage joint airlifts of men from different nations

If you would like to be a part of this great outreach, please contact: 

In Vancouver, BC Canada
Dennis Spenst at 604 574 - 0690
or email:  dennis@envirobee.com