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Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International

Outstanding witnessing tool


Latest issue:  Celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Azusa Street in Los Angeles

For ordering "VOICE" magazine please contact:

Canadian National Distributor

Dennis Spenst  phone:    604 574 - 0690   email:    dennis@envirobee.com

There are a myriad of magazines issued by Christian publishers; however, one is known as an outstanding witnessing tool. That one is Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International "Voice" magazine.

Through the 50+ years the magazine has been in existence we have received literally thousands of testimonies like the following: A business man writes

"My wife was a wonderful Christian, but I would have no part of it. I drank heavily and smoked five packs of cigarettes a day."

"One morning, after I had made my usual excuses for not going to church, my wife said, 'well, while I'm gone I would like you to read this.' And laid a small magazine on the kitchen table. 'It's just a magazine the janitor of the church gave me,' she explained as she walked out."

"That was the first time I had seen a copy of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship VOICE. I read it, and when she got home I suppose she thought I was having a heart attack. While reading that magazine something had swelled up inside of me and I was hurting so badly. Tears were flowing down my face as I asked her, 'where did you say you got this magazine?' She replied, 'from the janitor of the church.' I said, 'we've got to see that man today!'"

"We found his home, knelt down and prayed together and for the first time in my life I asked Jesus to come into my heart. I've never forgotten the sweetness of His presence at that time."

Voice magazine is a challenge for you to share your testimony and a constant encouragement as you read what God has done for others, knowing that He can do the same for you !