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Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International



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  What is FGBMFI ?

Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International
are businessmen, men of high status, as well as ordinary men. We organize meetings in hotels and restaurants where men share their experiences of how God has changed their lives. The primary purpose of the fellowship is to introduce business men to Jesus Christ, so they can share a personal relationship with their creator and enjoy the blessings He has offered us - most importantly, the gift of eternal life. Our vision is that the light of Jesus shall shine forth from each of our men into every culture, nation, race, language, and creed. That vision is becoming a reality through the Fellowship's ministries, now touching 160 nations and transcending denominational, racial and cultural barriers. Men and women interested in learning more about the Fellowship or participating in this exciting ministry are invited to explore our web site or contact us directly at our address provided at the bottom of this page.
The  Fellowship's   remarkable   history   is  unique  and  told  in the classic inspirational book,  
The Happiest People on Earth.

  The "Business Chapter"

The people are hungry for truth and reality. In a shifting world millions are discovering a new reality. It is the help of God in the Marketplace and in every day lives. The “Business Chapter” is new outreach of FGBMFI. It is a positive expression of the personal story a journey to a “Better Life”Thousands of ordinary men and women are helping others by the simple telling of their personal journey to success through faith in God. These weekly meetings are being conducted all over the world. They are the true expression of personal faith. The “Business Chapter” is so easy to start. It can be started anywhere. It brings new friends, new contacts, and a better outlook for their careers, family, and quality of life.

  We Are Interdenominational !

Our members and speakers come from all walks of life and belong to many different denominations.
We meet simply as Christians !

It is important to emphasize that the FGBMFI is not a church.

Our Mission Statement

  • To reach men in all nations for Jesus Christ
  • To call men back to God.
  • To help believers to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and to grow spiritually.
  • To train and equip men to fulfill the Great Commission
  • To provide an opportunity for Christian fellowship
  • To bring greater unity among all people in the body of Christ

You're not alone. We truly care if you have a need.
Please feel free to send us your prayer request

It is our desire that this chapter will be instrumental in winning many men for Christ !

Our new
  -> Banquet Poster

     Looking for a local FGBMFI chapter? Check out our - Chapters Directory.
     For a schedule of exciting regional events, click on - Special Events.
     Some of the best businesses are listed on the - Christian Businesses page.
     Want information about FGBMFI?  See the International - More Sites page.

Enjoy your visit !

Our address is:            FGBMFI, Langley Chapter
                                      P.O. Box 3401,
                                      Langley, B.C., V3A 4R7

Contact :  

  Chapter President:    Dennis Spenst   ph:   (604) 574-0690    
                                                            Email:   dennis@envirobee.com
  BC Field Rep:           John Spenst      ph: (604) 504 - 1806  

New 2007 Leadership / Langley

                 President                Dennis Spenst         604 - 574 - 0690       email:     dennis@envirobee.com
                 Vice Pres                Ben Janzen             604 - 530 - 8216          
                 Vice Pres                John Spenst            604 - 504 - 1806       email:      johnandkayspenst@shaw.ca
                 Secretary                Leon Black             604 - 534 - 6582       email:      mlblack@telus.net
                 Membership           Leon Black             604 - 534 - 6582       email:      mlblack@telus.net
                 Treasurer               Dennis Spenst         604 - 574 - 0690       email:      dennis@envirobee.com

Ladies of the Fellowship

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